The last month has been extra crazy with all our schedules with family, work, life, etc., but we have gotten the drums tracked and are stoked to say that they sound MASSIVE after the session at Flat Iron Recording Studio. Trevor finally got to use his new snare from Buffalo Drum Co. and it sounds fat but also has the cut we’ve been searching for since we started the band. He had a couple really solid takes that we feel sounds like the direction we want to go from here on out, and when Trevor is happy we are happy because we know we have tossed down some delicious special sauce. No matter what happens now, the drums are going to drive these songs to a whole new level. Pumped.
Trevor tracking 12.5.2021 Flat Iron Recording Studio
It’s taken a couple tries and play throughs, but we are finally honing in on the guitar sounds for the new tracks. Scotty and Dan are both working really hard and have settled in on a sweet Bassman head into and a Sunn cab duo for the sound. Scotty just got a new Gretsch Jet Casino that he’s been tossing on the tracks for a more wide bodied tone to help add some width to the choruses and some weight to our “heavy as balls” bridges. This Thursday night we go back in to lay the guitar tracks on the new single and probably go back over the material we have already done to make it bigger and better.
Dan and Scotty 12.5.2021 Guitar Session in Flat Iron Recording Studio.
The songs we have started to record have been unfolding to become something more meaningful with close to the chest lyrics and melodies that we feel are more like how we feel about life now. It’s been great to explore that side of us as a group of friends who continue to get closer.
The songs we have started to record have been unfolding to become something more meaningful with close to the home lyrics and melodies that we feel are more of a depiction of how we feel about life now. It’s been great to explore that side of us as a group of friends who continue to get closer and who get to have the opportunity to write and tell our stories together.
-Russ, Scotty and Trevor.